
Notification of Latest Scams

Respected users: Recently, some users reported that they received SMS that their resumes were selected as excellent resumes by 51Job, which recommended typist、shop customer service and part-time jobs and left QQ number. Here, 51Job solemnly warn: please strictly keep your personal user information in secret. Do not believe in them easily or be fooled. It is suggested to report it to 12321.

Website of 12321

Common Recruitment Scams

  • Illegal Intermediary

    Illegal Intermediary, charging registration fee and handling fee in the name of introducing a job.

  • Pay Scam

    Under the banner of "high salaries", inconsistence practical salary and verbal promise in recruitment.

  • Cheated Work

    Inconsistence between the applied work position and work content.

  • Illegal Fees

    Charging various deposit, information and training in names of various items without issuing receipts and invoices.

  • Illegal Crimes

    Cheating job seekers to wildness in the name of changing the interview place, convicting robbery and extortion.

  • Plagiarism

    Design works of job seekers in the interview or probationary period are plagiarized.

  • Dismissed without Reason

    Dismissed by the employer with an excuse even if the job seeker has no mistake.

Key Points for Preventing a "Trap" in Workplace

  • Comprehensively learn about the company's condition and responsibility description, especially enterprises that completely rely on labor and have lower costs and technologies. It is necessary to learn more about it before entering such an enterprise.
  • Verify recruitment information in various channels; verify the authenticity and effectiveness of recruitment information published by the company.
  • Sign an employment contract; clearly understand the enterprise's employment system and post system, especially relevant labor regulations.
  • Do not use ID card and other important certificates to the recruiter as a mortgage.
  • Argue for yourself. When finding yourself in a "trap", report to relevant department, protect your own rights and interests, learn lessons and avoid repeating the same "stupid behaviors".
Job Security Tips